2023 NJAEMSE Educator's Symposium Agenda
0800-0900 - Registration / Breakfast Coffee sponsored by MedCognition Inc.
0900-0930 - Welcome - NJAEMSE & Monmouth County Sheriff's Office
0930-1030 - When the Way We've Always Done It No Longer Works: How Mixed and Augmented Reality Can Help - Shay Steel, EMT P
1030-1045 - Break
1045-1145 - PowerPoints are Out, Simulations, ChatGPT, Memes, and Podcasts are in, and Talking to Patients is Underrated: Merging Effective Pedagogy, Digital Tools, and a Focus on Humans to Engage EMS Students - Barry Bachenheimer, Ed.D, FF/NREMT (slides may be used for informational use only but shall not be duplicated nor shared without permission from the presenter)
1145-1300 - Lunch sponsored by PSG Learning Group / Networking / Exhibitors / Headshots
1300-1400 - Top 10 Ways to Work Smarter While Using Simulation - Jennifer McCarthy, MAS, NRP, CHSE-A
1400-1415 - Break
1415-1545 - Lawyer's Tips for EMS Educators - Margaret Keavney, JD, MHA
1545-1600 - Closing Remarks
0900-0930 - Welcome - NJAEMSE & Monmouth County Sheriff's Office
0930-1030 - When the Way We've Always Done It No Longer Works: How Mixed and Augmented Reality Can Help - Shay Steel, EMT P
1030-1045 - Break
1045-1145 - PowerPoints are Out, Simulations, ChatGPT, Memes, and Podcasts are in, and Talking to Patients is Underrated: Merging Effective Pedagogy, Digital Tools, and a Focus on Humans to Engage EMS Students - Barry Bachenheimer, Ed.D, FF/NREMT (slides may be used for informational use only but shall not be duplicated nor shared without permission from the presenter)
1145-1300 - Lunch sponsored by PSG Learning Group / Networking / Exhibitors / Headshots
1300-1400 - Top 10 Ways to Work Smarter While Using Simulation - Jennifer McCarthy, MAS, NRP, CHSE-A
1400-1415 - Break
1415-1545 - Lawyer's Tips for EMS Educators - Margaret Keavney, JD, MHA
1545-1600 - Closing Remarks